Quidow listens and allows Customers to find the proper dialogue’s channel for their audience, to estimate their Reputation and check which values are shared and may be shared with people, inside and outside their company, providing the conditions for strategic marketing analysis, to rank, open or launch new projects and products.
Our methodology adds a new layer to Sociological, Psychological and Anthropological researches, introducing new standards and analysis values, focused on the study of the meaning of words, considering cultural, social and geographic differences.

We conduct an internal analysis to working teams to identify a common ground and divergences between Directors, Managers and Employees, in order to build an effective, and productive, communication relationship.
In this way it is possible to have an accurate idea on what people think in your company: the strengths, what to improve and how to correctly transmit your Vision.

We create market analysis and researches, globally and nationwide, involving qualified panels, to identify what people actually feel about the proposed topics.
Our customers are able to design and plan high performing, audience suited, marketing and communication strategies thanks to Sensodata®.

The key element for any business operation is to comprehend how consumers live and relate to companies’ products and services. Therefore the key to success is the analysis and study of human behaviors, to gain a foothold in an increasingly competitive, fast moving market, and to establish an effective, qualitative and loyal dialogue with your public.

Institutions, social systems and people speak different languages, often inaccessible to others. This results in a lack of dialogue, essential to any form of change and evolution. It is necessary to comprehend human intentions, which determine behaviors and a correct reality representation, to activate the dialogue.